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  1. RestorLyf: Food Supplement that Can Prevent Aging.



This product is a comprehensive, unique and standardized Resveratrol blend of powerful Longevity polyohenols.




“Resveratrol activates Sirtuin enzymes, that promotes longer life span and has been proven through extensive experiments. This also helps in reversing diseases associated with aging like Cancer, Diabetes, Hypertension, Arthritis, etc.” National Institute of Aging.


Antioxidants Not the Only Key to Anti-Aging

Only Antioxidants would not help restorlyf, hence this food supplement ensures a perfect blend of the following that makes this product most beneficial in attaining a long and healthy life.


?Japanese Knotweed

?Premium Grape Extract

?Grape Seed Extract

?Concentrated Grape Extract Powder

Although most of the ingredients are grape related it is certified to have NO alcohol content and is a complete natural food supplement.




RestorLyf Antioxidant Supplement Benefits?


Boost Immune System

Protects Mitochondria (Powerhouse of every cell)

Prevents Pulmonary hypertension

Controls Obesity

Increases levels of Adiponectin and reduces levels of inflammatory compounds

Promotes sensitivity to insulin

Modulates pathomechanisims of neurological disorders such as strokes, ischemia and Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s disease



Featured in

US Television Shows Magazines, and Newspapers



The Oprah Winfrey Show

Mayo Clinic

60 minutes

RestorLyf is Recognized By

Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD)

US Food and Drug Administration



Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

Frost & Sullivan Product Quality




RestorLyf is a food supplement specially formulated to prolong one’s life! Regular intake can protect your heart, prevents inflammation and protects the mitochondria, the powerhouse of every cells. When these parts of the body are protected, a person may achieve longer life!

  • Activates certain enzymes regulating gene silencing and DNA repair
  • It improves brain and kidney health by protecting them against oxidative stress and high blood pressure
  • It ensures sound Cardiovascular system


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Original price was: KSh 7,000.00.Current price is: KSh 6,500.00. Add to cart
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